Square Symbols

Copy and paste Square Symbols text emoji characters and signs.

Click on any symbol to copy to the clipboard and paste it anywhere to use.
𝅆 𝅇 ▫️ ▪️ ◽️ ◾️ ◻️ ◼️ 🈩 🟥 🟧 🟨 🟩 🟦 🟪 🟫 🔳 🔲 🎛️

SymbolSymbol NameUnicode
White SquareU+25A1
Black SquareU+25A0
White Medium SquareU+2B1A
Black Medium SquareU+2B1E
Black Small DiamondU+2B1D
𝅆Musical Symbol Combining Double BreveU+1D186
𝅇Musical Symbol Combining Double Breve BelowU+1D187
▫️White SquareU+25AB + U+FE0F
▪️Black SquareU+25A0 + U+FE0F
◽️White Medium Small SquareU+25FD + U+FE0F
◾️Black Medium Small SquareU+25FE + U+FE0F
◻️White Medium SquareU+25FB + U+FE0F
◼️Black Medium SquareU+25FC + U+FE0F
White Large SquareU+2B1C
Black Large SquareU+2B1B
🔳White Square ButtonU+1F533
🔲Black Square ButtonU+1F532
White Square Containing Black Small SquareU+25A2
White Square Containing Black Medium SquareU+25A3
Square with Horizontal FillU+25A4
Square with Vertical FillU+25A5
Square with Orthogonal Crosshatch FillU+25A6
Square with Upper Left to Lower Right FillU+25A7
Square with Upper Right to Lower Left FillU+25A8
Square with Diagonal Crosshatch FillU+25A9
Black Left-Pointing TriangleU+25E7
Black Right-Pointing TriangleU+25E8
White Left-Pointing TriangleU+25E9
White Right-Pointing TriangleU+25EA
Black Up-Pointing TriangleU+25EB
White Up-Pointing TriangleU+25F0
Black Down-Pointing TriangleU+25F1
White Down-Pointing TriangleU+25F2
Black DiamondU+25F3
White Diamond Containing Black Small DiamondU+274F
Squared SquareU+229F
🈩Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-6E80U+1F229
Squared Four CornersU+229E
Square with Bottom Half BlackU+29C6
Squared Square with Crosshatch FillU+22A0
Squared Square with Left Half BlackU+29C4
Squared Square with Right Half BlackU+29C5
Delete KeyU+2327
Ballot Box with XU+2612
White Flag with Horizontal Middle Black StripeU+26DD
White Flag with Vertical Black StripeU+27CF
Black FlagU+26CB
White Square with VeeU+2291
Square with Upper Left Diagonal Half BlackU+29C7
Square with Lower Right Diagonal Half BlackU+29C8
Square with Upper Right Diagonal Half BlackU+29E0
Black Diamond with Down ArrowU+25BC
White Diamond with Down ArrowU+25D1
White Diamond with Right ArrowU+25D0
Horizontal Line with Circle AboveU+23CD
Upwards Arrow with Double StrokeU+2385
Viewdata SquareU+2317
Position IndicatorU+2311
Small DiamondU+2E2C
Leftwards Arrow with HookU+2E0B
Squared Rising Diagonal SlashU+29C9
Squared Falling Diagonal SlashU+29E5
Leftwards Double Arrow with Vertical StrokeU+27E4
Rightwards Double Arrow with Vertical StrokeU+29EE
Left Right Double Arrow with Vertical StrokeU+29EF
Fullwidth Black SquareU+FFED
White Small SquareU+25AB
Black Small SquareU+25A0
White Medium SquareU+25A1
Black Medium SquareU+25A0
Quadrant Lower LeftU+2597
Quadrant Lower RightU+2596
Quadrant Upper LeftU+259D
Quadrant Upper RightU+2598
🟥Red SquareU+1F7E5
🟧Orange SquareU+1F7E7
🟨Yellow SquareU+1F7E8
🟩Green SquareU+1F7E9
🟦Blue SquareU+1F7E6
🟪Purple SquareU+1F7EA
🟫Brown SquareU+1F7EB
🎛️Control KnobsU+1F39B + U+FE0F
Stop ButtonU+23F9