Hand Symbols

The hand symbols list contains almost all popular hand text signs. Simply copy and paste any text symbol character to use in your text.

☝︎ ✌︎ ✍︎ 🖏 🖑 🖔 𓂬
👊 👋 👌 👍 👎 👏 👐 🙏 🖐 🖖 🤙 🤜 🤛 🤝 💪

SymbolSymbol NameUnicode
☝︎White Up Pointing IndexU+261D U+FE0E
White Right Pointing IndexU+261E
White Left Pointing IndexU+261C
White Down Pointing IndexU+261F
✌︎Victory HandU+270C U+FE0E
✍︎Writing HandU+270D U+FE0E
White Right Pointing Backhand IndexU+261B
White Left Pointing Backhand IndexU+261A
🖏Desktop WindowU+1F5CF
🖑Desktop TowerU+1F5D1
🖔Document with TextU+1F5DC
𓂬Ancient Egyptian AnkhU+1322C
Victory HandU+270C
Writing HandU+270D
Raised HandU+270B
👊Oncoming FistU+1F44A
👋Waving HandU+1F44B
👌OK HandU+1F44C
👍Thumbs UpU+1F44D
👎Thumbs DownU+1F44E
👏Clapping HandsU+1F44F
👐Open HandsU+1F450
🙏Folded HandsU+1F64F
🖐Hand with Fingers SplayedU+1F590
🖖Vulcan SaluteU+1F596
White Up Pointing IndexU+261D
🤙Call Me HandU+1F919
🤜Right Facing FistU+1F91C
🤛Left Facing FistU+1F91B
Raised FistU+270A
💪Flexed BicepsU+1F4AA