Punctuation Symbols

Copy and Paste Punctuation Text Symbols

! # $ % & ( ) * + , . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \\ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ « »

List of Punctuation Text Symbols

SymbolSymbol NameUnicode
!Exclamation MarkU+0021
Quotation MarkU+0022
#Number SignU+0023
$Dollar SignU+0024
%Percent SignU+0025
(Left ParenthesisU+0028
)Right ParenthesisU+0029
+Plus SignU+002B
.Full StopU+002E
/Solidus (Slash)U+002F
<Less-Than SignU+003C
=Equals SignU+003D
>Greater-Than SignU+003E
?Question MarkU+003F
@At SignU+0040
[Left Square BracketU+005B
\Reverse Solidus (Backslash)U+005C
]Right Square BracketU+005D
^Circumflex AccentU+005E
_Low Line (Underscore)U+005F
`Grave AccentU+0060
{Left Curly BracketU+007B
|Vertical Line (Pipe)U+007C
}Right Curly BracketU+007D
«Left Double Angle Quotation MarkU+00AB
»Right Double Angle Quotation MarkU+00BB
Left Double Quotation MarkU+201C
Right Double Quotation MarkU+201D
Left Single Quotation MarkU+2018
Right Single Quotation MarkU+2019
Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation MarkU+2039
Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation MarkU+203A
Double Low-9 Quotation MarkU+201E
Single Low-9 Quotation MarkU+201A
En DashU+2013
Em DashU+2014
Horizontal EllipsisU+2026