Bullet Point Symbols

The bullet point symbols list contains almost all popular bullet point text symbols in the Unicode standard. You can easily copy and paste your favorite symbol character to use in your text and create a stylish list with bullet points.

⦿ 🞜 🞚 🞅 🞉 🞗 🞢 🟉 🟊 🞴 🟍 🟀 🟃 🟂 🟐 🟎 🞧 🞖 🞕 » 🟈 🟆 🟒

Bullet OperatorU+2219
Black CircleU+25CF
⦿Large CircleU+29BF
White CircleU+25CB
Circle with Vertical BarU+233E
Circled PlusU+2295
Inverted BulletU+25D8
White CircleU+26AA
Black Large CircleU+2B24
White Large CircleU+25D9
Triangle-Headed Right ArrowU+2023
Three-D Top-Lighted Rightwards ArrowheadU+27FC
Rightwards ArrowheadU+2794
Heavy Black Curved Downwards and Rightwards ArrowU+27DB
White Right-Pointing Small TriangleU+25B9
Black Right-Pointing TriangleU+25B6
White Right-Pointing TriangleU+25B7
Rightwards Arrowhead with StrokeU+27A4
Rightwards ArrowU+2192
Double Rightwards ArrowU+2AF8
Three Rightwards ArrowsU+27A3
Rightwards Harpoon with Barb UpwardsU+22B7
Left Normal Factor Semidirect ProductU+22B5
Right Normal Factor Semidirect ProductU+22B3
Much Greater ThanU+226B
Heavy Wide-Headed Rightwards ArrowU+27A7
Heavy Arrowhead Pointing Rightwards Then Curving UpwardsU+27B2
Circled White StarU+272A
Black StarU+2605
White StarU+2729
APL Functional Symbol Circle StarU+235F
Black Small SquareU+25AA
White Small SquareU+25AB
White Square with Upper Left QuadrantU+25A3
Black DiamondU+25C6
White DiamondU+25C7
White Square with Lower Left QuadrantU+25A2
White Diamond Containing Black Small DiamondU+274F
Black SquareU+25A0
White Square with Vertical Bisecting LineU+22A1
Light Vertical BarU+2759
Right TackU+22A2