Greater Than and Less Than Symbols

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Greater Than Symbols

Less Than Symbols

< ⩿
SymbolSymbol NameUnicodeHTML Code
Fullwidth Greater-Than SignU+FF1E&#xFF1E;
Greater-Than Slant Equal to with Dot AboveU+29C1&#x29C1;
Greater-Than Over Equal toU+2267&#x2267;
Greater-Than Above Less-Than Above Double LineU+2AAA&#x2AAA;
Greater-Than Overlapping Less-ThanU+2AA2&#x2AA2;
Greater-Than Above Less-Than Above EqualsU+2AAC&#x2AAC;
Greater-Than Over Equals SignU+2AFA&#x2AFA;
Greater-Than Above Equals SignU+2A96&#x2A96;
Greater-Than Above Slanted Equal Above Less-ThanU+2A98&#x2A98;
Small Greater-Than SignU+FE65&#xFE65;
Double Greater-Than SignU+2AF8&#x2AF8;
Much Greater-ThanU+226B&#x226B;
Very Much Greater-ThanU+22D9&#x22D9;
Equal to or Greater-ThanU+226D&#x226D;
Greater-Than, OverlineU+2C93&#x2C93;
Greater-Than Above Double-Line EqualsU+2A92&#x2A92;
Greater-Than with DotU+2978&#x2978;
Greater-Than Above Less-ThanU+2A90&#x2A90;
Greater-Than Above Less-Than, Above Double-Line EqualsU+2A8E&#x2A8E;
Greater-Than Above Less-Than, Above Slanted EqualU+2A94&#x2A94;
Greater-Than Above Less-Than, Above EqualsU+2A8A&#x2A8A;
Greater-Than Above Less-ThanU+2A88&#x2A88;
Greater-Than Above Almost Equal toU+2AA5&#x2AA5;
Greater-Than or Equal toU+2269&#x2269;
Greater-Than with Circle InsideU+2277&#x2277;
Greater-Than Above Similar Above Less-ThanU+2AA7&#x2AA7;
Greater-Than Above Similar Above Less-ThanU+2AA9&#x2AA9;
Greater-Than Overlapping Less-ThanU+227B&#x227B;
Greater-Than Overlapping Less-ThanU+2A86&#x2A86;
Greater-Than or Equal toU+2265&#x2265;
Greater-Than Over Equal toU+2273&#x2273;
Greater-Than Over Less-ThanU+2277&#x2277;
Greater-Than Over Slanted Less-ThanU+2A7E&#x2A7E;
Greater-Than Above Less-Than Above Double-Line EqualsU+2A82&#x2A82;
Greater-Than Above Slanted Equal Above Less-ThanU+2A84&#x2A84;
Greater-Than Above Less-Than Above EqualsU+2A80&#x2A80;
Greater-Than Above Slanted Equal Above Less-ThanU+2AA4&#x2AA4;
Greater-Than Overlapping Greater-ThanU+2A7A&#x2A7A;
Greater-Than Above Greater-ThanU+2277&#x2277;
Greater-Than Above Almost Equal toU+2A7C&#x2A7C;
Greater-Than But Not Equal toU+2271&#x2271;
Greater-Than or Equivalent toU+2275&#x2275;
Greater-Than Over Less-Than Over Greater-ThanU+2279&#x2279;
Greater-Than Over Slanted Less-ThanU+227F&#x227F;
Greater-Than, UnderbarU+2C83&#x2C83;
Greater-Than Above Less-Than Above Right-Left ArrowU+2AA0&#x2AA0;
Greater-Than Above Less-Than Above EqualsU+2A9E&#x2A9E;
Greater-Than with UnderbarU+2984&#x2984;
Less-Than with UnderbarU+2985&#x2985;

SymbolSymbol NameUnicodeHTML Code
<Less Than SignU+003C&lt;
Greater-Than But Less-Than (Nested)U+29C0&#x29C0;
Less-Than or Equal toU+2264&#x2264;
Less-Than Over Equal toU+2266&#x2266;
Less-Than Above Greater-ThanU+2268&#x2268;
Less-Than, OverlappingU+22DC&#x22DC;
Less-Than Above Right ArrowU+2976&#x2976;
Double Less-ThanU+226A&#x226A;
Much Less-ThanU+2278&#x2278;
Less-Than Over Equal to with SlashU+226E&#x226E;
Greater-Than Over Less-Than with SlashU+2270&#x2270;
Less-Than or Equivalent toU+2272&#x2272;
Less-Than or Over Equal toU+2274&#x2274;
Less-Than, Overlapping with DotU+22D6&#x22D6;
Greater-Than, Overlapping with DotU+22E6&#x22E6;
Less-Than with Vertical LineU+2343&#x2343;
Less-Than Above Left ArrowU+2977&#x2977;
Less-Than, Above Tilde OperatorU+2A79&#x2A79;
Less-Than, Above Left ArrowU+2A7B&#x2A7B;
Less-Than or Equal toU+2A7D&#x2A7D;
⩿Less-Than, Above Slanted EqualU+2A7F&#x2A7F;
Less-Than, Above Slanted Equal, Above Right ArrowU+2A81&#x2A81;
Less-Than, Above Slanted Equal, Above Left ArrowU+2A83&#x2A83;
Less-Than, Above Slanted Equal, Above Right ArrowU+2A85&#x2A85;
Less-Than, Above Slanted Equal, Above Left ArrowU+2A87&#x2A87;
Less-Than, Above Right ArrowU+2A89&#x2A89;
Less-Than Above Left ArrowU+2A8D&#x2A8D;
Less-Than Above Right ArrowU+2A95&#x2A95;
Less-Than Above Left ArrowU+2A9B&#x2A9B;
Less-Than Above Right ArrowU+2A97&#x2A97;
Less-Than Above Left ArrowU+2A99&#x2A99;
Less-Than Above Right ArrowU+2A9D&#x2A9D;
Less-Than Above Left ArrowU+2A9F&#x2A9F;
Less-Than Above Right ArrowU+2AA1&#x2AA1;
Less-Than Above Left ArrowU+2AA3&#x2AA3;
Less-Than Above Right ArrowU+2AA6&#x2AA6;
Less-Than Above Left ArrowU+2AA8&#x2AA8;
Less-Than Over Greater-ThanU+2AB7&#x2AB7;
Less-Than Sign, Over Opening BracketU+2983&#x2983;
Less-Than Sign, Under Closing BracketU+2986&#x2986;